CP Executive train in Albany

CP Executive train in Albany

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Then and Now: West Waterford station SW (1958)

Here is a shot dated June 28, 1958 taken in West Waterford, NY. It is facing southwest, and the old D&H passenger station is on the left. You can see that the area is double tracked, and a siding breaks off to the right of the viewer and approaches the photographer. In the distance is the bridge over what I think is the Canal. And the road crossing is Washington Avenue.

I wasn't familiar with the area but didn't remember ever seeing a passenger station in my journeys, so I recently drove over and decided to check out what was left. Short answer... nothing. The picture below is taken from about the same place. I don't know when they took the station down, but it is now just grassy brush.

A closer view from the crossing which shows the same white house in the center of the first picture. 

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