Then, I started placing the sections together on the supporting framework. Some of the cross-braces were moved to better support the corners. Some leveling was necessary too. It was frustrating, because no matter how hard I tried to make each of the sections perfectly square and even (with the plywood neither extending beyond or coming up short) with the 1x4" frame it wasn't perfect. Had I not been building a sectional layout, it wouldn't have mattered as much. Even worse, my 1x4 " lumber wasn't a consistent thickness (sometimes as much as 1/8" off) but I didn't realize it when I was building my sections. Thus, leveling the L-girder supports didn't help and the benchwork just didn't line up.

Deciding to put it on hold for awhile, I ordered a bunch of wire in four colors and prepared to pre-wise the bus lines for the layout sections, Each will have four 14 gauge wires running the length of the sections. Red and Black wires will be for track power (DCC bus lines), and Blue and White will be power for the Tortoise switch machines. The cross braces were already drilled with holes for the wires to safely pass through, but the ends presented a problem. I stapled a twist tie in a couple of places to the underside, and it is easy to use that to secure the loose wires (but allow for easy adjustment later). I thought about buying screw terminals but accessing them every time I wanted to disconnect the wires to remove a section seemed problematic. So, I made some with 1/4-20 bolts and wing nuts mounted into holes drilled in some wood trim I found lying around.
While I was working, I decided to put on the soundtrack CDs to Star Wars Episodes IV-VI.
Five hours later, I had a different plan. I would make sure the tops of the sections were level and then bolt them together, to be semi-permanently joined. Once the track is laid and wired up, I likely won't be taking them apart or moving them again except in extreme circumstances (such as remodeling the basement, moving to a new house, or re-configuring them. So, I put them upside down on my work table and drilled for 1/2" diameter bolts. Of course, it took me three trips to two different hardware stores to get the right number (and size) bolts, nuts, and washers. That's how it goes.

Next, I decided to put my new jigsaw to use. I had previously sketched out how the Mohawk Paper module would look, which is a bit interesting with its multi-level right-of-way, intersecting streets, multiple crossings, and even a bit of track that is "hidden" in a small forest. Building benchwork here would require thinking from the ground up. I planned on doing a "cookie cutter" approach until I saw an advertisement for Woodland Scenics foam incline risers. They are available in 2% and 4%. I will check them out. Had I decided to have the plywood make the ramp, it would have involved a grade on an "S" curve and the joints at the top/bottom of the grade likely would have been badly joined.

I then cut the intermediary crossbraces, which needed to be trimmed along the top. Instead, I made them all out of the thinner (in height) wood I had, and added a full-height piece of 1x4" lumber on the back end. This is a big clunkier, and certainly a little bit heavier, but it also meant I didn't need to use the jigsaw constantly. And, they are consistently high throughout. Another decision was necessary here, and it is somewhat of a big one. I could either make the ends of the section full-height 1x4" (
actually 3.5") or cut it down so that the scenery on the lower part of this section can cascade onto the adjoining sections. I mulled it over and chose the later. The lumber for this section was another $20.
While it looks somewhat silly now with the roads ending at the next piece of benchwork, if I ever expand the layout I will be able lengthen the scene without having to hack away the end 1x4s. Besides, there really is no easy way to do this considering the corner sections on either side are definitely not going to be ramped to meet the lower area. When I take pictures of this section, I will just need to be careful with my viewing angles.

With the benchwork now 75% of the way around the area, I only need to work on one more corner section and the straight section for the "entrance" side. My goal of having a train run around the mainline by the end of 2017 seems realistic. However, since I don't know what I am modeling for the fourth section, I need to do some more research.
Running total for benchwork is now $586 + $20 for the lumber for the Mohawk Paper section, so $606 total.