CP Executive train in Albany

CP Executive train in Albany

Thursday, May 21, 2015


This is my first post on my first ever blog, so I am exploring this new technology with a bit of trepidation. As I write this I believe I have several goals that I would like this blog to accomplish. First, I would like it to be a diary of my efforts to research, build, and operate my layout. Second, I would like it to be a way to share my accomplishments, failures, questions, and thoughts with others.

As of this date my wife and I are looking at houses (our first!) and I have no layout yet to speak of. However, over the past five years I have been researching what I am interested in modeling as well as building up a sizeable collection of equipment to run on my eventual layout.

I don't make any promises regarding the frequency of updates at this time because I am not sure yet how I will learn and adjust to writing a blog. However, like any good train ride, the first step is getting on board (actually, the first step is buying a ticket but that didn't sound as good!)

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