CP Executive train in Albany

CP Executive train in Albany

Monday, January 27, 2025

Springfield Train Show 2025

Another Springfield train show is in the books. And what a great show it was! Even though Saturday seemed less crowded than "normal", it was still hopping. And because of the fewer attendees early, I managed to maneuver through the crowd early and have more time to stop and take pictures or talk to people. 

I didn't go with a specific list of things to buy this year, which is a departure from my normal course. There were things I wanted, but I could always get them online if I didn't stumble onto a great deal here. However, I did plan to view more of the layouts and take pictures of interesting scenes that I could use as inspiration on my own layout. This I accomplished.

That isn't to say I didn't come home with some goodies. 

For Christmas this year my wife bought me a Hot Wire Foam Factory 3" knife, but I specifically asked not to receive a power supply because I wanted to pick it out myself. When I saw that H.W.F.F. had their own table I stopped by to talk about power supplies and see if they had any show specials. They did, and they pointed out three different options and recommended the one I purchased below. Sadly, when I got home and tried to plug my knife into it they wouldn't connect. It turns out I need a special adaptor that I was supposed to be given but the sales guy forget. So, a quick call to them and they are sending it out to me. Unfortunately, I actually wanted to use it over the weekend.

Part of my O scale NENR layout will have a lumber yard, and I planned to use the Atlas (formerly Walthers) kit. Online it retails from $85-100 but I hoped to find a bargain. One store had two marked down 30% and the first rang up at $78. Not a great deal, but okay. But I looked and saw their other kit was opened and marked for less money. Nothing seemed amiss so I asked if I could have that one, and for $60 the kit was mine. Now that I have it, I can finalized the track plan on the right side of my layout.

I needed some Caboose Industries ground throws (208-S), and I picked up five from their table.

I enjoy using Gatorfoam for my model foundations, and Dave is such a great guy to buy from, so I wandered over and picked up a bunch of pieces to use for future projects. Buying a larger sheet is cheaper, but having lots of smaller pieces already cut up is handy.

I also preordered and picked up (what I thought was) the last switch for the layout. They aren't cheap so I have been spreading out their cost, but the quality is the best. If I waited a couple of months one might have popped up on the used market, but I wanted to keep on going with the track laying. Sadly, I discovered a defect with another switch I bought used (not the fault of Ross) so I will need to order its replacement. Had I caught it one day earlier, my life would have been easier.

I did purchase two things on a whim. First, I bought a scale MTH covered hopper for $25. That is about my spending limit per O scale car which significantly limits my options, but I usually get one or two cars per show that fit my layout's theme. And I like weathering covered hoppers.

I also found a small 3D print company (Under Construction Replicas) that offers lots of neat details in many scales, including O scale. They started as a source of detail parts for construction vehicle modelers (which explains why O scale to them is 1:50, a common scale for that genre) and many of their products were gears towards that. Garbage cans, cones, barrels, pallets, signs, etc. I didn't really need anything but their orange cones looked neat and I wanted to remember them for the future so I bought some.

I took every free catalog with pictures I could find because Harrison likes reading them with me. He mostly just points at the pictures but he can identify certain engines, freight cars, structures, etc. 

I also took many pictures of things, though I will only post a few that I thought were especially unusual.

Here is a vendor selling laser cut wood kits of trains. He even has some Talyllyn Railway stuff, which I love. I don't know what I would ever do with them, but I thought that they were neat.

Here is a n scale T-trak module of something like a nuclear bombing. I am not sure I fully understand what it is supposed to represent, but it was different.

Speaking of different, I rarely see full mohawks at the Springfield show (except the New York Central ones... hehe) but this guy was being scanned for a 3D printed figure. Um, yeah.

Here is a concept I recently saw described in the Micro Model Railway Dispatch magazine. Similar to T-trak modules, the idea is to craft a model railway using hexagon baseboard components which can be rearranged for many combinations. Is it a gimmick or a serious modeling idea? Only time will tell, but it certainly is unique.

Finally, here is a shot from the Lego layout showing thousands of figures watching a football match. I can't imagine the cost that went into this scene alone. I guess Ebay is your friend.

Until next year...


  1. You are lucky to be close enough to get to a show like that every year. Large shows are getting rare out here on the west coast.

  2. Yes, it is fortunate I live only 90 minutes away. Another large train show, albeit in O scale primarily, is the "York" show in York, PA which is only about 5-6 hours away.
